League of Legends : Rammus Review

Recently, I have been testing out champions in LoL to find out which ones are the best. This is the review for Rammus.

  Rammus is possibly one of the best tanks in the game, he can have thousands of Health and immense amounts of Armor. His passive ability(Spiked Shell) grants bonus attack damage based on his amount of armor, this means that the less damage he is receiving, the more he can deal out. He is strong in any lane and can also be very good in the jungle.

  His abilities work very well when used together, Powerball can be used to rush towards a fleeing enemy champion, knocking them back and slowing them. Puncturing Taunt can then be used to force them to attack you whilst you use Defensive Ball Curl to return the damage back to them. His Ultimate, Tremors, damages all nearby enemies and structures around him for 8 seconds, this is brilliant for farming minions and destroying towers bit it can also be used to enhance the effects of Puncturing Taunt.

Good items for Rammus are ones that increase Armor and Health. These include Ninja Tabi, which increases Armor and reduces damage from basic attacks by 10%,
Warmog's Armor that gives 1000 extra Health and speeds up Health Regen a lot. Thornmail is also a good choice because it returns damage back to the sender, so it is like a permenant Defensive Ball Curl.

  In early game Rammus is definitely not the best champion, he isn't even that great in mid game, but when he reaches level 15+ in late game and has good items, he is untouchable and quite nearly invincible. This makes him great for games that last a long time. I recommend that everyone tries Rammus out because he is a unique tank that is definitely a force to be reckoned with.  


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