Plants vs Zombies: Last Stand Coin Farming

Plants vs Zombies is one of the most popular games on the app store and the Xbox live marketplace and is very addictive. I will be showing you how to make money fast using the last stand mini game.

First off, copy the defence shown in the picture, do the marigolds last because you will need 150 extra sun to do complete it.

When the first wave is complete, collect the sun and place the 3 last marigolds down and also replace the garlic with new ones, do this at the end of every wave.

Eventually the zombies will start to destroy your pumpkins, so keep some sun ready to replace them as soon as possible or pole vaulter zombie will jump over and begin to eat at your defence.

This technique can have you survive up to the end of the mini game if you maintain it properly and can get you about 8-10k coins each time you do it. I believe this is one of the most effective farming methods for last stand because the defence takes up so little space that there is loads of room for marigolds.